Orchard Meeting and Updated Actions and Achievements from 12th May
Sally, Paul and I met today and walked round the orchard. It’s looking fantastic, so a huge thank you to all the stakers and pruners, the weeders and litter pickers, the bench treaters and feeder hangers!!
Huge thank you too to Wiltshire Wood Recycling who donated above their remit for the benches, bird boxes and bug boxes. Also huge thanks to Paul Weaver for donating the stakes, to Richard and Adam for donating the mulch and to Ruth Hopkinson for donating the bird feeders. And to everyone else who has given time, energy and commitment to our project.
Thanks also to our partners in the school and the Eco Buddies and their parents who have done a huge amount in helping bring the orchard to bloom! Thanks to Sophie and Ruth for getting the contractors in line!!
The notes are attached and see below for dates and future events.
Very best wishes and thanks,
Sally, Paul and I had a few ideas for future dates and events:
Orchard Group Meeting Dates for the Year
Tues 13th Oct Autumn 2015 – Next Orchard Group Meeting The Pound 10.00am
8th – 22nd July IYN Award ( NK on hol 4th – 19th) SF and PW around. NK to ask Transcoco members to keep dates free if possible and to let everyone know asap when real date confirmed. Also Sophie, would it be possible for you to have the children available on this day and would they be able to sing a song like the 12 Days of Christmas song??? they did for the Council??
Mulching Weeding Afternoon
Wed 17th June – 3.00pm New mulching/weeding day with Eco buddies if possible – Sophie would it be possible for Eco buddies and parents to come along and help again on this day?? Could we do apple juice?? ( I am happy to donate some apple juice for the helpers??)
September 26th Daytime The Campus – Orchard stall at Transcoco Give and Take and Stall Day – would the children like to come along to this?? to do a song?? read some poems??