The production of food and quality of that food is essential in the sustainability of any community. At present the Corsham area is very dependent on foods being produced from outside the area, which as well as leaving us vulnerable to the vagaries of market forces and climate issues, means excessive use of fossil fuels in both production and delivery. Our Food Group aims are:
- Promoting awareness of the importance of a sustainable food industry and responsible retailing
- Working on practical schemes to encourage local food production with less dependence on fossil fuels
- Working with local councils, schools and community groups to provide community orchards and food growing areas, and supporting biodiversity through tree planting and wildlife areas.
Our Food Group is a group of local people who are passionate about local food production and who encourage and promote the production and marketing of locally grown produce.
We have planted community orchards at the two Corsham Primary school sites, and have created the Community Garden at The Pound.
In November 2019 we planted trees at the Beechfield nature reserve to commemorate the end of WW1. We planted 30 trees: 10 silver birch, 10 Rowan and 10 wild cherry. When the trees mature they will make a fantastic contribution to the existing woodland and copse areas. In the winter sunshine the trees looked very beautiful. We continue to work with local schools, The Pound and the Town Council to maintain our community orchards, garden and wildlife areas.