Give and Take Success

Thank you to one and all, for your brilliant efforts to enable Give and Take in Box to be a great success. Masses of stuff arrived and went out again along with crowds of people. We took £70 in donations to cover costs of Hall hire and printing, and £52 from selling leftover items.

The GIVE AND TAKE event works because so many people help to carry tables, set up the stalls, keep order and then dismantle and ship unwanted items away to charity shops and recycling. Also big thanks for putting out posters, leaflets and banners, tweeting, facebooking, Shouting Out and Freecycling.

We were joined by the Fairtrade team who provided welcome refreshments and a reminder for their big event at the Pound on Tuesday night.

The collaboration with Wiltshire for Refugees worked really well again (see message below)

At the end Darren took leftover good clothes, books and bric a brac which will end up in Eastern Europe. He paid us £52.

At the event there was also a display from Plastic Free Corsham and the opportunity to try an electric bike provided by Spindles in Corsham.

To top it all Michelle Donelan MP paid a visit and listened to Transcoco’s concerns about climate change and the actions that need to be taken.

The next Give and Take will be in the autumn at the Campus in Corsham. We will be buying more clothes rails. If you have other things you would like to feedback to help things run smoothly next time please let me know.

Message from Wiltshire for Refugees

Once again Transcoco welcomed Wiltshire For Refugees to their Give and Take event in Box. As this is our third time at this event, people are now
anticipating our presence at the Give and Take so looked out some great
items, many freshly laundered and bundled with care. We collected a good
amount of blankets, sleeping bags and clothes from the people of Box and
beyond which will be making their way to refugees very soon. We also managed to get a few more sign ups to our mailing list and gave out information about fostering. Follow us on Facebook at Wiltshire for Refugees or Twitter to find out more. Thanks to everyone at Transcoco for your support.

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