We had a very successful litter pick this month, a total of 14 people braved the showery weather including 2 children who had fun using the pickers! An initial heavy downpour wasn’t enough to dampen spirits but did mean a quick dash to seek shelter. The heat of the previous few days seemed a thing of the past and it was quite chilly for those in T-shirts. Undaunted we headed off to different locations and managed to cover Valley Road, the Springfield Campus, Springfield Rec, Meriton Rec, Corsham Park, the area around and heading to Corsham Regis Primary School and the garage blocks in the Kings and Queens Avenue and Orchard Road areas, amongst others.
Despite the pause in proceedings due to the weather we collected a total of 14 bags of rubbish, a very good effort! Afterwards we gathered for a well earned sit down with drinks and lemon and chocolate muffins…..